Creation and Administration of Hopskotch Groups

Margaret Johnson, Donald Petravick

Revised Auguast 7, 2023

Information Classification: Public.


This note describes the policies SCiMMA uses to govern delegation of a group’s administration to one or more Group Administrators, and identifies roles and responsibilities of a Group Administrator.

Group Administrators

Every topic Hopskotch belongs to a group. A group may have one or more Group Administrators. Group Administrators administer topics belonging to the group and are a point of contact between the entity using the group and SCiMMA. Group Administrators…

Applying for creation of a Group

Creation of a group begins with an applicant. The Applicant must first obtain a SCiMMA identity via, then apply for a group via the create group form available via

The applicant needs to

Upon approval, the person becomes the Liaison to SCiMMA and also the initial Group Administrator.